Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Introducing the Cast

As Shakespeare wrote in 'As You Like It' through character Jaques says: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts".

With that little tidbit, I hope to use this blog to share some of the 'many parts' i'll be participating in over the course of well my life...or a least until blogging becomes unpopular and something bigger and more fancier hits the internets...

Any who...I am Brad, welcome to my world.

Some of the cast, of whom i maybe writing about periodicilly include:

Jesus Christ: My Savior and Lord, King of kings and LORD of lords. what more can i say

Ashley: My Love and Best Friend, 2nd only to Jesus.

Andrew: roommate and most likley to win a noble prize in physics

Pat: roommate and M.E.

Mike: new roommate, more info TBA

Kyle: sudo roommate, who likes to visit and lot and bring stuff to make me fat.

Jason: friend and likes to 'crush it' a lot as well as tea

James (fred): BBQ, Dota, on fire, and a good friend, what more can i say

Aaron: he is a llama and older than me.

.....and others to follow in time most assurely

The Pilot

As my 1st of, hopefully, many blogs, i want to begin just by saying hello to the blogging world. Hello!